Increase Your Income by 1/3, Increase Your Fees by ZERO
If you trade your time for money, there are few options for earning more. Here’s a way that you can increase your income by 33% without working more hours or raising your fees at all!
Your Search Results
If you trade your time for money, there are few options for earning more. Here’s a way that you can increase your income by 33% without working more hours or raising your fees at all!
Hands-on practitioners can’t ignore technology, even if it’s sometimes difficult to navigate the Internet or make your email work the way you want it to. If you’re going to have a business, you have to be found—and online is where people are looking for you.
May all your experiences on the Internet feel surprisingly awesome—as if butterflies suddenly streamed from your computer! Here are answers to some problems that practitioners run into…
… when I deleted 405 people from my email list! Good to keep it current, but sometimes it helps to put on your Big Kid Panties before you hit DELETE.
Discounts diminish the value of your work. Learn 5 better ways to make your services more affordable to the clients who need you.
Breaking the ice is easier when you network if your name tag helps you engage new people. This simple shift works even for introverts!
When you’re a hands-on practitioner, you have to be ready to find your clients everywhere you go — including the supermarket! For most practitioners, talking to strangers is a big hurdle, and that’s where Heart-to-Heartcomes in.
Year’s End is rapidly approaching, and no matter what you celebrate, you’re probably planning to bring a gift somewhere, sometime in the next few weeks…
It used to be that any video you could put up was better than no video, but unfortunately, those days are long gone. People are bombarded with
To understand what your potential clients want to know about your practice, you need to find out what your current clients are GETTING from your practice. That means asking, not guessing — when you know how to ask, you won’t believe what you hear!
One of the important things you got from your training was your diploma! It may sound silly even to bring it up, but if you’re
It’s not your fault that you don’t have enough clients… but it IS your problem. Your Feldenkrais training taught you much of what you need to know… understanding what to do with it is key.
Sometimes, the solution to a problem is sitting right in front of your nose, and you can’t see it. This infographic outlines a variety of things you can do to help get the Feldenkrais clients you want.
To get more clients — the clients you want — get the help you need. Look for a good fit, and go for it. It will changes lives — your own included!
When you’re looking for Feldenkrais clients, it might seem like you should be doing what everyone else is doing… but you are here to do your own work, and that’s exactly why your clients love working with you!
People are attracted to you because of what who you are — and that means ALL of who you are. Learning to tell your story with passion is one of the most important things you can do to help potential clients realize they’re in the right place!
It’s easy to imagine that we don’t know enough to help our Feldenkrais clients, because there’s always so much more that we can learn. If you want to help more people, you need t get more clients, which means starting where you are — right now!
One of the key moments in learning is consolidation. If you want to get more Feldenkrais clients, it’s useful to take a few minutes to pull together the key pieces you are taking away from any experience, even reading a month of blog posts.
People expect you to be the same person, from the time they begin to get to know you, all the way through working with you. Your entire ‘brand’ needs to reflect you — not somebody you think is a marketer!
Whether you want to get more clients, fill an event, or learn to speak a new language, your success relies on doing more of what you do well, and learning new skills.
If you want to get more clients, it helps to have a mentor. Allison Rapp has had the kind of success you’re looking for, and has created a method derived from what you learned in your Feldenkrais training. What could be easier?
Your personal compost pile can get pretty hot at times! That’s usually when you want to run away from it. But honestly, that’s one of the
If you want to help more people, you probably need to get more clients. One of the easiest ways to connect with people is through the obstacles you’ve overcome. Often, those are sitting in our own personal compost bins… bring yours out for air!
Clients appreciate knowing that you aren’t perfect. They like to know that you’ve overcome what they’re working on and it gives them confidence that you can help them do what you did. So, to get more Feldenkrais clients, embrace the obstacles you’ve overcome.
Unresolved money issues stop us from getting the Feldenkrais clients we need. We may push them away, or not know how to help work through their own money issues to realize they want to and can commit to working with us. However it works out, it means we don’t help the people we could help, if we dealt with money issues ourselves.