Allison Rapp

To Get More Clients, Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel

If you want to get more clients, it helps to have a mentor. Allison Rapp has had the kind of success you're looking for, and has created a method derived from what you learned in your Feldenkrais training. What could be easier?

We still have another 8 days in the 31-day challenge… so we’re not done yet!

I wanted to take a moment to say something about a surprise I had as I delved into the world of business. It was astonishing to me to discover that successful people are genuinely interested in helping other people to have the same success they enjoy. “Lift as you rise” is the way one organization puts it.

Because that surprised me, I thought that it might surprise you to know that you don’t have to be alone on this journey, and re-inventing the wheel is unnecessary. I made the shift that got me the clients I wanted. In doing that, I realized how Feldenkrais® and other ‘touch practitioners’ can get more clients… and I would love to help you get the practice you want, too!

If you’re passionate about wanting to make a bigger impact… if you’re commited to doing what it takes…  and if you’re tired of waiting for the practice you want — let’s talk about how to get started!

Click here or click the picture to find out more.

Allison can help you get more clients

If these posts are making sense to you as a concept, and you need help making the ideas concrete — and you know you want that help sooner rather than later, click the picture so we can talk about what you want and how you can get it!

“Man’s life is a continuous process, and the improvement is needed in the quality of the process, not in his properties or disposition. … The more clearly the fundamentals of the process are understood, the greater will be the achievements.” — Moshe Feldenkrais, in Awareness Through Movement (p. 33)

4 thoughts on “To Get More Clients, Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel”

  1. Hi Allison,

    You are very optimistic meaning that “Reinventing the Wheel” assumes that I would have even found the wheel and understond how it operates. Quite simply, I’m sure I would not have gotten that far on my own.  thanks so much,  Heather

    1. Heather,
      I meant to respond right away but I have very little short term memory when I first wake up — I read this on my phone when I got up because you’re 3 hours ahead of me … almost choked on my toothpaste, laughing!

  2. Love the quote from Moshe!  It conveys more clearly just what “process” means when applied to life.. it’s learning the fundamentals of the process…not just a general sense of “process”.  There are so many aspects to integrate.

    1. I think the generalization is always the hardest part. It’s easy enough to learn the thing in context, but to take it to another situation means rising above and looking at it from the meta perspective.

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