7 Ways to Spend Time Without Wasting It
When you have “extra” time on your hands, do you spend it with or without intention? Here are 7 ways to use time you didn’t expect t have without watching part of your life simply disappear without value.
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When you have “extra” time on your hands, do you spend it with or without intention? Here are 7 ways to use time you didn’t expect t have without watching part of your life simply disappear without value.
There’s no point in hiding your feelings about the pandemic. But if you’re here for something bigger — like transformational work — you need to make sure that you don’t get stuck there. Here are some ideas for coping with those times.
We all have habits of feeling, acting and thinking. I call them “FAT habits” and like pretty much every habit, their function is to limit choice. When habits affect your ability to build a sustainable business and lead to helping only a fraction of the people you’re here to serve, it pays to see where they’re hiding.
If you feel like a wallflower in social settings, you could be missing the chance to connect with people who would see you as a hero–if only you felt like you could talk to them! Here’s how to make that happen.
Focusing on what sets you apart from every other practitioner makes it easy for people to recognize that you can help them. It makes it possible for you to maximize the time, money and energy you spend on advertising. And it increases the likelihood that you’ll find yourself on the path to getting 80% of your first-time clients to say YES to long-term work with you.
Most hands-on practitioners aren’t “in it” to make a fortune. But because we’re conflicted about it, we tend to push money away at the same time we’re trying to build a practice. That’s not good for you, or for your clients. Here are 3 ways you might see it in your practice, and how to change things for the better.
You and I both know you aren’t an internet marketer. But they seem to be the ones telling everybody what they need to do online to attract clients. As a hands-on practitioner, you CAN do it your own way–you just need to get past the hype and the idea that demographics are the be-all-end-all of client attraction–and understand what you need to do instead.
You may wish you had the team support of a big company—but as a small business owner, you can run circles around giant corporations in many important areas.
As a hands-on practitioner, you can’t afford to be regarded as a commodity. Set yourself apart to get more clients and end competition with your colleagues!
Your inner voices can be supportive, but when they’re critical, they can take you down, Here’s how to start turning that around without “faking” anything.
Check your unsubscribes once in a while, be grateful that the people who don’t want to hear from you get off your list, and take these simple steps to minimize spam complaints.
… didn’t trust himself to remember everything he came across that seemed to contravene the theory of evolution… so he did what you or I would do…
Waiting for your client to take a breath is helpful. Waiting to learn how to get clients hurts you, and all the people you aren’t helping.
Internal roadblocks sabotage everything you do to build your practice. To get clients, you have to get past them. Here’s how to start.
A relatively new practitioner I’m working with told me about something she did that was really daring, and I thought it was brilliant because it neatly sidestepped a trap most practitioners fall into!
Year’s End is rapidly approaching, and no matter what you celebrate, you’re probably planning to bring a gift somewhere, sometime in the next few weeks…
To get more clients — the clients you want — get the help you need. Look for a good fit, and go for it. It will changes lives — your own included!
When you’re looking for Feldenkrais clients, it might seem like you should be doing what everyone else is doing… but you are here to do your own work, and that’s exactly why your clients love working with you!
People are attracted to you because of what who you are — and that means ALL of who you are. Learning to tell your story with passion is one of the most important things you can do to help potential clients realize they’re in the right place!
One of the key moments in learning is consolidation. If you want to get more Feldenkrais clients, it’s useful to take a few minutes to pull together the key pieces you are taking away from any experience, even reading a month of blog posts.
If you want to get more clients, it helps to have a mentor. Allison Rapp has had the kind of success you’re looking for, and has created a method derived from what you learned in your Feldenkrais training. What could be easier?
Your personal experience underlies everything you do with your Feldenkrais clients! Choosing the part of your life story that attracts the clients you want is important to getting a practice filled with ideal clients.
Your personal compost pile can get pretty hot at times! That’s usually when you want to run away from it. But honestly, that’s one of the
Clients appreciate knowing that you aren’t perfect. They like to know that you’ve overcome what they’re working on and it gives them confidence that you can help them do what you did. So, to get more Feldenkrais clients, embrace the obstacles you’ve overcome.
Unresolved money issues stop us from getting the Feldenkrais clients we need. We may push them away, or not know how to help work through their own money issues to realize they want to and can commit to working with us. However it works out, it means we don’t help the people we could help, if we dealt with money issues ourselves.