In the first few minutes of one of our recent weekly meetings, one of my mastermind partners said to the group, “The question I’m asking myself right now is ‘how am I hiding out?’ — because I know that that’s how I’m losing clients.”
I got it in one go: It’s not about the reasons, the excuses, the obstacles. It isn’t the economy or how well-known my work is.
It’s about the internal roadblocks, the self-sabotage, the gremlin attacks… whatever you want to call it… and when it happens, it can sound like this:
- Am I really helping anybody?
- Does anybody want what I offer?
- I’ll never be able to pay for the help I need.
- Nobody’s going to pay me what I need to live.
If you’re a practitioner who doubts, you need to get past those doubts in order to help anyone.
You have to stop being your own worst enemy.
I know I can teach you concrete things that will help you get clients. I know they work because I’ve seen it over and over in my own practice and with scores of practitioners I’ve worked with.
But I am never going to guarantee that what I can teach you will give you the results you’re looking for.
Because I know that you can have any level of success you want — and that the only thing that really stops you is you.
The key to getting clients isn’t coming in a blog post or an advanced training or in a packet with your next certification.
It’s not arriving in an envelope from your national association.
It’s not going to be divulged in an email from a famous “make 6-figures with your holistic practice” marketing guru or a “learn it all in one hour” webinar with the latest social media rockstar.
Growing your practice starts with growing yourself… the key to getting clients is inside you
It’s sitting there, deep down, waiting… for you to ask the right questions and then really listen to the answers.
For example, what do you tell yourself about:
- Practitioners who have more clients than you have?
- Your self-worth?
- What it would mean about you as a person, if you earned enough money — from your practice — to live the life you want?
- Where you land on the “good enough” spectrum?
- The struggles you’ve been through that make you unique?
- Being an expert vs being a fraud?
- Obstacles to getting what you want — things like not having enough time, enough money, enough support. Or things like the economy, attitudes where you live, what other people charge?
If you blasted through that list and didn’t take any time to answer any of the questions or if you think they aren’t relevant to you… or your clients… or the practice you wish you had — ask yourself “Why?”
Why are you hiding out?
You can have all the tactics, all the strategies, all the step-by-step perfect processes…
But if you are hiding out — if you’ve made the excuses about why you’re not going to send a newsletter this week… justified why you can’t pay for the help you need… decided that people just aren’t ready for what you’re offering… know before you advertise that people won’t want your workshop — none of the ‘best practices’ will make any difference to your practice.
What lies under the surface is dictating your success… or your lack of it. It’s the hidden piece that determines the outcome of your efforts… and for that matter, whether you’ll even make the effort.
You have the answers… are you going to ask the questions?
To be honest, I hope so because I know the clients who can’t find you — or don’t know why they should work with you — are hurting. Maybe you are, too.
The only question that matters is: Are you willing to do it?
If your answer is “yes,” I can help.
In my private work, I support practitioners in turning those nasty inner voices we all have into the solid support system we all need. Private work is the most expensive way to get my attention on your business, so it’s not for everyone.
That’s why I created a low-cost, focused self-study program to help you get past the most common internal roadblocks practitioners face.
Click here to get the details.
Your internal roadblocks sabotage everything you say you want to do—and even what you think you are doing to build your practice.
They sap your energy.
They separate you from your clients, and your heart from what it most wants.
Until you get rid of them, you can’t grow your practice.
I really want that for you because I know how much it sucks to have a gift you can’t share with enough people.
The thing is, it only works if you want it more than I do — if you do, click here to get started today!
Next time: An Israeli archaeologist helps us see How Curiosity Gets You Clients!
photo credit: 123rf.com
I blog to help you shift how you think about your practice and to help you get the one you want–get my practice building help delivered to your inbox by entering your name and email below.