Allison Rapp

Articles about building the business that supports your practice

Seth Godin Doesn’t Use Images — Should You?

The right images used on a blog post or static page can make a huge difference in what visitors understand about you, how often your pages are seen, and how much they’re shared. Why does this matter to hands-on practitioners and movement educators? What’s relevant in the data on blog posts, images, readership? When should you copy the “big guys” and when can you ignore what they know and what they do?

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Graduate with Confidence

When you’re planning on turning your hands-on training into a sustainable practice after graduation, you need to develop confidence. You can begin doing that during your training with this simple secret!

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Today I Got an Email

—from a woman with 17 letters after her name. What impression does that make? When you’ve got more letters than clients what should your next step be?

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