Allison Rapp

Your Search Results

Author: Allison

The Importance of Being Connected

We know that social connections are beneficial to health–but if you’re used to working quietly with one person at a time you might have to make an intentional effort to create and maintain them.

GOT Purpose?

If you know you are here to do transformational work, your own hero’s journey is not “something else,” not some part of your life that can be segmented out, or a costume you put on when you have a client and take off when your session is over. It’s intimately connected to what your clients need from you. 

Your Life PhD Makes You Unique

Focusing on what sets you apart from every other practitioner makes it easy for people to recognize that you can help them. It makes it possible for you to maximize the time, money and energy you spend on advertising. And it increases the likelihood that you’ll find yourself on the path to getting 80% of your first-time clients to say YES to long-term work with you.

Ever Wonder What to Talk About?

When you don’t engage with the people on your email list often enough, sending a note to them becomes a chore that just doesn’t find its way to the top of your list very often.

Who Owns Your Business Assets?

Learn to see what your business assets are and how to protect them. Be careful about what you accept for “free” because it’s really important to stay in control of your content and your message.

Nobody Wants To Be Talked Into Needing Your Help

Convincing people they have a problem you can solve is really tough and most of the time, it doesn’t work. That doesn’t mean you’re never going to figure out how to get new clients, though… the key lies in doing something different than what you’re used to!

3 Ways To Stop Money Drama From Taking You Down

Most hands-on practitioners aren’t “in it” to make a fortune. But because we’re conflicted about it, we tend to push money away at the same time we’re trying to build a practice. That’s not good for you, or for your clients. Here are 3 ways you might see it in your practice, and how to change things for the better.

Do You Really Need An Ideal Client?

You and I both know you aren’t an internet marketer. But they seem to be the ones telling everybody what they need to do online to attract clients. As a hands-on practitioner, you CAN do it your own way–you just need to get past the hype and the idea that demographics are the be-all-end-all of client attraction–and understand what you need to do instead.

5 Quick Steps to Get Unstuck

When you can’t do everything you know you should be doing, it’s easy to get nothing done at all. Get unstuck in just 5 quick steps so that you can get your hands-on practice moving forward again!

How To Stop Math From Devastating Your Practice

I’ve done the math six ways to Sunday and the answer is always the same: chances are high that you’re never going to have a satisfying practice— unless you develop the skill that changes the equation. This tutorial explains why and how to predict your future—and how to get the results you want.

How To Get What You Want Without New Year’s Resolutions

When you transform your client, they see you as a model, so it’s important to embrace what you want. You can get what you want at any time of the year by asking yourself 4 essential questions. When you’ve clearly got every part of yourself on board with what you want, you have unparalleled inner support!

Why Hands-on Practitioners Can’t Ignore Tech

Hands-on practitioners can’t ignore technology, even if it’s sometimes difficult to navigate the Internet or make your email work the way you want it to. If you’re going to have a business, you have to be found—and online is where people are looking for you.

Tech Secrets

May all your experiences on the Internet feel surprisingly awesome—as if butterflies suddenly streamed from your computer! Here are answers to some problems that practitioners run into…

Today… I had cold sweats

… when I deleted 405 people from my email list! Good to keep it current, but sometimes it helps to put on your Big Kid Panties before you hit DELETE.