To Get More Clients, Grow!
One of the great side-benefits of what we do is that people who arrive trying to get rid of pain, undergo transformation in the process
Your Search Results
One of the great side-benefits of what we do is that people who arrive trying to get rid of pain, undergo transformation in the process
To get more clients, the people you talk with have to understand why you are a good choice as a Feldenkrais practitioner. It’s your job to make it clear that what you bring to the table is an essential ingredient!
In our last two posts, we’ve said that prospective clients want to hear about how you can help them solve their problems, and that the
When you want more Feldenkrais clients, you need to look beyond yourself and what you know. What do you see and feel about the person you’re talking with? Letting them hear it helps them to understand why they should commit to working with you.
Today is the 27th birthday of my first child. She and her sister changed my life, made me a better Feldenkrais® practitioner and — as
One of the most enduring memories from my training with Moshe Feldenkrais was his telling us that the point of the work we were learning
Your “other” hand is the portal to parts of yourself that you can’t reach easily in any other way. Open new doors, hear a new voice… discover more of you.
Do you have a backup plan in case your hands-on practice doesn’t make it? What if it’s the reason you aren’t making it?
It’s clear that unless you know what you’re doing, you’re stuck with what you’ve got. But if you want to get where you want to go, you have to know what WANT!
One-degree is all it takes… if you can make the shift in your thinking, you can shift your practice.
You can’t do your “Great Work” when you aren’t focused. Find the things that distract you and you have a choice because when you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want!
Alternative practitioners usually want to be in integrity all the time. Step 1: Know what you stand for and how you want to show up—before you become visible.
Compost makes things grow. Your personal compost can grow your visibility as an alternative practitioner–learn to use it to feel comfortable and in integrity.
Nobody wins when someone is left out—that’s a guiding force in how our family relates, and the possibilities I envision for the world of Feldenkrais Practitioners.