Feeling Misunderstood? That Makes It Tough To Get Clients!
Discover and learn how to use your natural strengths—you’ll be better understood by potential clients and that will get you a better practice.
Discover and learn how to use your natural strengths—you’ll be better understood by potential clients and that will get you a better practice.
People love infographics because they’re fun and engaging.
Share any one that you find here… just don’t brand it as yours without permission. 🙂
Most practitioners wish they could increase referrals enough to fill their schedule. These 2 actions steps will move you down that road.
If your practice were a person, what qualities would you look for? What would your relationship be like? What strengths would you bring to deepen it?
Breaking the ice is easier when you network if your name tag helps you engage new people. This simple shift works even for introverts!
If your work is a luxury it can be hard even to talk with someone new because you have so little hope of getting a client. Here’s how to fix that.
When you’re a hands-on practitioner, you have to be ready to find your clients everywhere you go — including the supermarket! For most practitioners, talking to strangers is a big hurdle, and that’s where Heart-to-Heartcomes in.
It’s easy to focus on the wrong things when you try to help clients commit to working with you. There are 3 essentials things that sit in the background and control everything in the foreground… master them and you’ll find yourself getting more clients more easily.
To get clients in your hands-on practice, think about what you’re not looking at. It’s easy to focus on the wrong things by staying in the comfortable circle of what you know, but in fact, what you need to learn most likely lies somewhere outside that circle. If it didn’t, you’d already have mastered it. ☺
Adding all your “friends” to a FB group is really bad manners. Invite them, tell them why they would love it… don’t just add people you barely know!
Infographic shows how to create a path to your practice to help people who have just heard about you get the information they need to become your clients.
A coach with clients “similar” to you may not understand how hands-on practitioners are different. How do you know a coach is a good fit for you?
… one of my clients tell someone that he’s beginning to realize there’s an awful lot of “annoying personal growth involved” in building his practice!
… I had to call twice to book an appointment I wanted to pay her for. By the end of our call, there was an interesting turn of events!
The right images used on a blog post or static page can make a huge difference in what visitors understand about you, how often your pages are seen, and how much they’re shared. Why does this matter to hands-on practitioners and movement educators? What’s relevant in the data on blog posts, images, readership? When should you copy the “big guys” and when can you ignore what they know and what they do?
Check your unsubscribes once in a while, be grateful that the people who don’t want to hear from you get off your list, and take these simple steps to minimize spam complaints.