Allison Rapp

Today I Overheard

... one of my clients tell someone that he's beginning to realize there's an awful lot of "annoying personal growth involved" in building his practice!

today… one of my clients tell someone that he’s beginning to realize there’s an awful lot of “annoying personal growth involved” in building his practice!

Then he went onto say “Thankfully, I’m up for it!”

I had to smile because it’s so true. It’s one of the major “complaints” most people have when they sign on for the kind of business training that really makes a difference in building a practice.

You just can’t hope to grow your practice without growing yourself. It’s like trying to build a strong building on a foundation of eggshells. [Tweet “You can’t grow your practice without growing yourself.”]

That means that when you need clients, one of the most important places you need to look is inside yourself…and what you need to be on the lookout for is your own willingness to become the practitioner who has the practice you want!

Go there now and have a look around… what’s the biggest challenge you see, and how are you going to address it?


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