You are enough.
You know more than enough.
You are ready.
Your clients are waiting for you.
Nothing is to be gained by waiting any longer, and an awful lot hangs in the balance — for you as well as for your clients… Feldenkrais® or otherwise.
Who will you help and how will you help them, if you don’t do what it takes to learn how to find the clients you need to make the impact you are here to make?
In the last month, you may have thought that maybe you and I might be a good fit to build your practice — or not. To be honest, that’s not the important thing.
What’s important is your clients, and what it will take for you to make it possible for them to find you and understand the value of working with you.
That’s game changing — for you and for them.
If you’ve been reading here for a while, it may be that the work it takes you to get there is exactly what you are supposed to be doing at this time. Just as I’ve been telling you that you are the perfect person to work with your clients — there’s a perfect person to help you build your practice. If it’s not me — trust me — that person is out there!
Whoever it is, get in touch with that person — because there simply are not enough Feldenkrais® practitioners — not enough holistic practitioners of any kind — to help all the people who need us!
If you think you and I might be a good fit take this quick interactive survey, which will give you more information. It’s four quick questions, and if you want to talk with me at the end, you submit the survey. If you don’t — you close the window.
It could be game-changing.
And it’s that simple.
Click here to see if we might be a good fit.
The freedom to learn is a great liability and a restriction from the start. There is no freedom of choice or free will where there is only one way of acting. — Moshe Feldenkrais, in The Case of Nora, p. 82