Allison Rapp

Your Search Results

Tag: visibility

Day 24… The Gas Gauge

When your gas gauge tells you that you’re low on gas, you just go get some… what does this have to do with your visibility as a Feldenkrais Practitioner?

Day 18… The 80-20 Principle

80% of your effort yields only 20% of your results… how can you use that to increase the number of referrals you get from the contacts you cultivate?

Day 17… Be Yourself!

Your clients don’t want a cookie-cutter practitioner! They want YOU! Are you able to let them see who you are?

Day 16… Perfection

Day 16… Are you waiting for perfection? What do you think your clients are waiting for?

Day 14… Location!

It’s easy to think that your website makes you visible… but do your clients stay there long enough to find out about you? Discover the secret!

Day 12… Gremlins

You can’t outshout them. You can’t outrun them. You can’t win the battle. Learn to make friends with your GREMLINS!

Day 11… Consultation

People expect a consultation before starting to work with you. And at that time, you can step into your expertise… you’ll be surprised at how that changes their commitment!

Day 9… Promotion

If you’re like most Feldenkrais Practitioners, you don’t want to be a business person. But you need clients. To get them, you need to promote yourself. Uh-oh! Promotion is a business skill…

Day 8… Expertise

Many Feldies don’t think they have any particular expertise… I think they’re wrong! Find out why, and be sure to download the free resource that will help you assess your skills!

Day 4… Money and the Pond

Your relationship to money affects your integrity and your visibility to potential clients for your Feldenkrais® or other alternative practice.

Alternative practitioners want to be visible and in their own integrity.

Day 3… Who are you?

Alternative practitioners usually want to be in integrity all the time. Step 1: Know what you stand for and how you want to show up—before you become visible.

Day 2… Compost

Compost makes things grow. Your personal compost can grow your visibility as an alternative practitioner–learn to use it to feel comfortable and in integrity.

Alternative practitioners need to become visible to get clients.

Day 1… Passion

People everywhere need Feldenkrais® and other alternative practices. Practitioners need visibility to get clients. 90 short videos that help you get clients.