Allison Rapp

Develop An Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude combats scarcity... when you are struggling to find clients, pay your bills, feel confidence as a hands-on practitioner or movement educator, the importance of getting your mind off struggle can't be stressed enough.


We all know that what we think about grows. This is especially important for practitioners to consider. If you’re struggling, it’s likely that you’re more focused on what you don’t have than what you do.

So while it may sound counter-intuitive, it’s really important to develop an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! [Tweet “When you are grateful for what you love in your life, you create more of it!”]

To build your practice, consider these questions:

  • Which clients leave you energized, and why?
  • Who have been your biggest teachers, and what did you learn from them?
  • What flavors were part of your breakfast that made it special?
  • Did someone give you a compliment today, and how did it make you feel?
  • What happened today that made your heart sing?
  • What made you laugh today?
  • Who did something you didn’t expect, that made your day — and what was it, or why was it so important?
  • What do you love about your partner, your mother, your kids, your dog or cat?

What other questions would you add to the list?

There are so many ways to be grateful! When you make gratitude a practice, you begin to find that more of what you’re grateful for inhabits your life, and as that happens, you find more and more things to be grateful for!

Don’t wait another minute! You won’t believe the effect it can have on your practice until you actually try it! Start right now, by leaving a comment about what you’re grateful for in this moment!

If this post made you think about your practice, subscribe to get information on a variety of practice-building topics — and please share this resource with other practitioners, because when you know how to find them, there are enough clients for everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Develop An Attitude of Gratitude”

  1. Dear Allison,

    I am definitely grateful for this, as well as all of your, very helpful and informative blog posts!

    Thank you very much for everything!

    All the best to you,

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