Allison Rapp

Day 9… Promotion

If you're like most Feldenkrais Practitioners, you don't want to be a business person. But you need clients. To get them, you need to promote yourself. Uh-oh! Promotion is a business skill...

Here’s the short, sad logical progression. and it probably applies to you, even you practice a different modality:

1. Feldenkrais Practitioners need clients.
2. Feldenkrais Practitioners hate business.
3. Promotion gets clients.
4. Promotion is business.
5. Uh-oh.

Happily, there’s something you can do about it!

Feldenkrais Method VideoMarketing Challenge Promotion
Click the link to see the video… come back here afterward, and leave a comment — it will boost your rankings in the search engines if you leave your website address!


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