Allison Rapp

Why Your “List” Is One Of Your Most Important Assets

Your email list is one of your most important business assets. Cultivate it so that it works for you and helps you build your practice.
Even if you don't have an email newsletter now, you can tell prospective clients that you'll send them your e-newsletter "when you have one."
Even if you don’t have an email newsletter now, you can tell prospective clients that you’ll send them your e-newsletter “when you have one.”

Even if you currently have NO thought of ever connecting with your clients regularly by email, get the email address of:

  • every person who’s interested in your work,
  • every person who comes by your booth at a health fair,
  • every person you work with privately, and
  • every student you have in a class or workshop!


For one thing, you never know when you will be unable to reach a client by phone, and if you have an emergency, an email address can make all the difference in looking competent to your client!

For another, marketing experts agree that your email list is your most valuable asset, even if you’re doing hands-on work with people. You may not be sending regular emails now, but eventually you will likely want to get started, and having a list ready to go is a good spur.

Your list is the lifeblood of your business

Email is still the number one way to reach clients and build a relationship with them.

Even you aren’t using it actively now, you need to plan for it in the future. It’s the number one way to nurture people who are interested until they are ready to become clients. It’s the easiest way to stay in touch with everyone who wants information, the easiest way to spread your message and the easiest way to become known, liked and trusted.

Suppose you write a blog post… you still have to get people to that post, before they will read it. Email does that.

Offering a new class? Email is the easiest way to announce it.

Taking an advanced training? Your clients would like to know that you’re about to become even more valuable to them, and email is the easiest way to tell them.

If you’re already using email, you know that you cannot afford to “forget” to ask people if they’d like to be on your list. Make sure you include a link in these places:

  • Blog posts
  • Email signature
  • Flyers
  • Workshop announcements
  • Social media accounts

Start now, you’ll be surprised at how it grows, develops and works for you!Start now—keep at it, use that list, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly it becomes substantial and starts to work for you. And then — who knows what ideas you’ll have?


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