How long will it take to find 10 things more important than writing your next blog post or newsletter? Not long, if you’re like most practitioners!
The problem is that nothing kills a budding relationship with potential clients faster than stopping the conversation! Regular contact is a must!
One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to connect with prospective clients on a regular basis is to write in approximations. That way, you aren’t overwhelmed and you can begin and end before your enthusiasm runs out. Here’s how it might look to write a blog post in approximations:
- One morning in the shower, you get an idea for a post. When you get dried off and dressed, write down your idea and the 2 or 3 points you want to make.
- Write a short introduction of one or two sentences, or tell a quick story to introduce your idea.
- Flesh out your points, one at a time. Don’t write all of them at once, if that doesn’t appeal to you, or if you start to get mired down.
- Write a conclusion — again one or two sentences, with a call to action.
- Find a photo.
- Proof and publish!
That’s it’s it! No big worries, no stress headaches, no need for 3 extra chocolate bars… just do it in a way that feels like it fits with you, and you’ll be fine!
Staying in touch with the people who are interested in knowing you better is rewarding — but only if you do it often enough for them to remember who you are!
What’s the next thing you’re going to write about? Leave your next topic in a comment below (and don’t be afraid someone will steal it, because no one else is going to say what you will say about it!)
photo: www.123rf.com