Allison Rapp

Are You Sure You Don’t Want To Be On Facebook?

Facebook is a good "visibility" choice for many practitioners. If you use it, jump in! If not, figure out how to replace it because you HAVE to be visible.

You may have resistance to being connected to social media, and I get it. I would never recommend you do something for your business that’s way out of your comfort

I would never recommend you do something for your business that’s way out of your comfort zone, because it will work against you in the long run.

However, you may be wondering if Facebook is a good place for you to explore new ways of being in touch with colleagues and letting people know about what you’re offering.

So here are a few of the many “Facebook Facts” that are running around the internet right now.

  1. Over 80% of businesses today are using facebook.
  2. Women post 55% more often than men do.
  3. Facebook has more than 500 million active users.
  4. 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day.
  5. The average user has 130 friends.
  6. The average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events.
  7. More than one million websites have integrated with Facebook.
  8. Facebook fan pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans
  9. Facebook has more than 45 million active user groups.
  10. If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest country in the world.

Social Media are NOT going away. Facebook is the clear leader.

You don’t have to use any one of the platforms, but you should be aware of the choice, and what your decision to join or not means, in terms of your business. I hope these facts will help you decide one way or the other, because the best thing you can do is get the decision off your plate so you can take the next step.

If you decide to jump in, do it with intention. Use it according to best practices. Build your Know-Like-Trust factor. Do it as if you mean it.

If you are not going to jump in, look for what you’re going to do instead. Because your clients are out there. They’re looking for you. And the only real question is whether they’re going to find you before they find another qualififed—and more visible—hands-on practitioner.

PS: If you are on Facebook, and you’re tired of fixing your clients, check out our Hands-on Transformation group.


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