Not long ago, a relatively new practitioner I’m working with told me something really daring — that she had just signed up for an advanced training and had already scheduled a workshop she would teach — on the same topic — right after the training!
Scheduling a workshop on something you haven’t learned yet? Brilliant!
Because she neatly sidestepped the trap of “I‘m waiting to focus on building a practice until I know more.”
By planning to teach what she was going to learn, she created the conditions that made it possible to get more out of the advanced training. Was it comfortable to schedule a workshop about something she didn’t know about yet?
Not really. But setting one foot outside her comfort zone allowed her to learn more, serve more people and make a bigger impact than keeping both feet firmly planted inside it.
Having enough clients helps you learn more
One of the major problems we have in ‘learning more’ about our work is that it’s a virtually endless process! There are loads of opportunities to further our skills in training situations — but if there are not enough opportunities to practice on clients, it’s really hard to embed new skills, deepen new learning and expand new understanding.
This is why having clients is a vital key to gaining the knowledge that makes us feel ready to look for clients! You really can’t get one without the other. If you take a workshop focusing on FI skills, you need to have clients lined up when you get home — and do what you learned with every one of them. The more you have, the more you’ll learn, the more confident you’ll become and the more credibility you’ll have.
If you take a workshop focusing on ATM, you need people lying on the floor when you get home, to really get the most from the time you spent. You can create the continued learning for yourself by doing what my client did — commit ahead of time to teach what you are about to learn! You get to flex all your Awareness Through Movement® muscles when you put that learning into practice.
Why not wait until you get home, really know the material — and then schedule a workshop?
This is another version of the same trap!
There’s always much more to learn about what you already know something about — When will you be ready?
Ask yourself — What will help people more — going deeper, or sharing what I know now?
No matter where you are in developing your skills, you can use what you know to help people with what you know now. Doing that will give you the confidence to put yourself ‘out there’ for people to find, and help you understand exactly what you want to know more about.
This makes your future advanced training choices more valuable to you. And in the meantime, you’re offering your clients something they can’t find anywhere else!
Next time: How planning what you’ll do when you get home can change what you get from an advanced training!
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