Day 41… Get to Know Moshe Feldenkrais
The better know Moshe, the bigger your visibility!
Your Search Results
The better know Moshe, the bigger your visibility!
When you’re self-employed, you have to learn how to be a good boss!
When my gremlins are screaming at me, all I want to do is shrivel up. That makes it really hard for my clients to find me! Here’s how I convinced them to be quiet.
Find the edges of your comfort zone so you can move into growth and greater visibility!
It’s clear that unless you know what you’re doing, you’re stuck with what you’ve got. But if you want to get where you want to go, you have to know what WANT!
If you don’t have time to build your practice, you don’t have time to practice!
Do one important thing to move your practice in the direction you want to go!
Day 34… Overwhelm stops a lot of people in their tracks… what experience do you have that the right things will be visible to you
Find out what your habits of thought are about promotion, so you can move on to getting the practice you want!
You need to know what success means to you so you’ll recognize it when it comes!
Day 31… There’s a reason they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first!
Tell the truth… you have everything to gain, including clients!
Day 29… For me, a one-degree shift meant taking out the garbage…
One-degree is all it takes… if you can make the shift in your thinking, you can shift your practice.
The old paradigm and the new paradigm… which one is the one you want to live out of?
How does your habitual thinking distort the way you see yourself?
You can’t do your “Great Work” when you aren’t focused. Find the things that distract you and you have a choice because when you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want!
When your gas gauge tells you that you’re low on gas, you just go get some… what does this have to do with your visibility as a Feldenkrais Practitioner?
On days when things get disrupted, you’ll waste time if you don’t have a plan.
Limiting beliefs are insidious… they stop you without a sound! They can wreck your visibility, too!
When your gremlins are running around shouting, it’s hard to be visibile. Part 2 — help them calm down!
Sweater Story time! Increase your visibility by understanding why I didn’t knit this sweater!
Not all marketing is sleazy. Really effective marketing helps people understand why they should work with you!
80% of your effort yields only 20% of your results… how can you use that to increase the number of referrals you get from the contacts you cultivate?
Your clients don’t want a cookie-cutter practitioner! They want YOU! Are you able to let them see who you are?