Day 65… Clean Sheets
Day 65… I changed the sheets on Sam’s bed and cleaned the whole house to make her feel welcome… and then I thought about our #Feldenkrais websites…
Your Search Results
Day 65… I changed the sheets on Sam’s bed and cleaned the whole house to make her feel welcome… and then I thought about our #Feldenkrais websites…
If Obi-Wan is your marketing maven, think again…
Do you work with everyone who knocks on your Feldenkrais door?
Compost again! This time in relationship to stamina and visibility as a Feldenkrais practitioner!
If you run out of steam before your Feldenkrais day is over, your clients will notice! What detracts from your stamina?
What “Feldenkrais Thing” do you know that will increase your stamina?
Your Stamina and Your Visibility as a Feldenkrais Practitioner! Yes, they’re related…
Your Stamina and Your Visibility as a Feldenkrais Practitioner! Yes, they’re related…
Day 58… What’s your favorite way to distract yourself from moving your #Feldenkrais practice forward?
What are the 2 missing links between taking care of yourself and getting the Feldenkrais® practice you want?
Day 56… What do you do, when you don’t know what to do with your Feldenkrais client?
We all compare ourselves to others… do you think it helps or hurts your Feldenkrais® practice and your visibility?
What does the ear infection Jaime had at age 2 have to do with our credibility as Feldenkrais® practitioners?
Why do 90% of my “first” Feldenkrais lessons turn into a series of 10 or more?
Day 52… our cherry tree is a methaphor for what I want to help you create in your #Feldenrkais practice!
Do you have a backup plan? I mean, in case you just can’t make it with your practice?
Youtube can help you build your practice!
Enews is a great way to provide on-going value to your clients!
Use your blog or website to your best advantage!
Learn to use social media sites to increase your visibility!
Put the internet to work at building your visibility! Part 1
Make a plan!
What’s your biggest challenge about investing in your education about marketing?
Question of the day — What are your biggest challenges in being visible to your clients?
How can I support you in developing the confidence you need?