Christina Hills' Website Creation Workshop
is now open!

Website Creation Workshop is about your website—the one you have, the one you wish you had or the one you’re avoiding thinking about.

I’m going to get right to the point.. It’s highly likely that one of these is your situation:

You have a website…

  • but it’s out of date and you either don’t know how to change anything or you’re afraid to touch it.
  • or you can change things, but the free platform you’re on is limited and you can’t really do what you want.

You don’t have a website but you know you need one…

  • and don’t think you can afford to pay someone to build it (PLEASE DO NOT BARTER for it — I’ve never met a practitioner who came out even on this trade and certainly not ahead!)
  • or, you’re already thinking about building it yourself and have no idea where to start.

There's no way to sugar-coat this...

If any one of those situations is the one you’re in, you need help because your website is one of your biggest business assets, and it isn’t doing its job if you don’t have one or can’t change it when you want and need to do it.

There’s a boatload of free information on the web… you already know that. But you don’t need random info–you need a patient expert who can guide you one step at a time to the confidence you need and the website you want.

The expert you need is Christina Hills

She’s the only DIY website instructor I recommend. 

Since 2010, I’ve been meeting people who want me to promote their courses and services to you and I almost always say “no.” Almost none of those coaches speak to practitioners in a way that makes sense to you and a lot of them sell things that aren’t going to help your practice.

Christina is one of the very few coaches whose course I do tell you about. I know from my own experience that she’s got what it takes for practitioners like you to get what you expect and what you pay for.

I speak from hands-on experience when I say that she leaves NOTHING out, NOTHING to chance, NOTHING unexplained.

In fact, I often joke that she starts by saying, “Okay, we’re going to be using your computer today, so find the power button and turn it on. Here are some pictures of what the power button might look like.”

Funny… but not that much of an exaggeration!

So if you’re a non-techie you don’t need to worry. Christina’s got you covered.

Her course, Website Creation Workshop, is opening in about 1 week
... but you don't even have to enroll to get 3 free gifts​

By downloading any of the free gifts below, you will get on Christina’s list. Soon, she’ll be announcing how to enroll and offering even more free training beforehand.

So right now, you can get to know her through the 3 free gifts she’s offering to help you understand better what building your own site is about.

You can find those at the blue buttons below. Over the next couple of days, you’ll want to set aside some time to read, watch and think about whether this is the right course for you.

Now is the time to explore the information you need to make a choice — because the enrollment window will be just 6 days and people who enroll early get valuable bonuses. If your online calling card needs attention, how can you afford to ignore it?

website checklist

DIY Website Creation Checklist

If you’re thinking about building your own website, chances are you’re confused about the various components. Maybe you don’t even know what web pages you should have, which are essential and which you don’t need. 

This easy-to-follow checklist will help you understand the essential elements of a website so that you can build one that attracts clients in the most efficient way.

The Essential Website Road Map for Non-Techies (+Training Video)

This road map is designed to help you get started with creating a new website on the right foot.

So many people start building a website without enough planning—in the end, that means the whole process takes longer and creates massive frustration that often leads to never going live with your site.

You don’t have to be one of those people! Take time to go through the website road map and watch the training video. You’ll have a much clearer idea about what needs to be done before you even get started!

Webinar: "Easily Create a Beautiful Website In WordPress”

DIY doesn’t mean doing it without a plan or without guidance!

In this webinar, Christina offers a training that she specifically created for NON-designers and non-techie people–like most of the practitioners I know. If you want the do-it-yourself secrets that let you quickly create the kind of website that works for holistic practitioners, you want this webinar!

Click Below to Explore beautiful sites created by colleagues:

What colleagues say about Website Creation Workshop

This is a great course! I learned so much about building a website that transferred in generally improved tech skills in many other things that I do! Highly recommend!
Carol McAmis
Feldenkrais Practitioner

Christina & Allison... Q&A with Practitioners

Get started with any of these free 3 gifts

Feel free to spend as much time on this page as you like–but you need to download at least one of the gifts to ensure you won’t miss any of the free training that’s still coming—or the enrollment window when it opens.

Just click a button to get started. Best idea? Get all three!

website checklist

When you buy through my link, you get this indispensable bonus:

5 Questions Your Website Must Answer $497… yours free!

Most practitioners don’t know what to say on their website. 5 Questions is a comprehensive on-demand course that walks you through what you need to know in order to highlight your uniqueness, appeal to the clients you want to serve, and help them understand why they need to connect with you.

Transparency time!

I’m an affiliate for Christina’s course… which means that if you decide to buy Website Creation Workshop when the cart opens, she’ll make a contribution to my retirement fund.

Two more things you need to know:

ONE… Christina is one of very few whose offerings I promote, because frankly, practitioners are a special bunch of people; I don’t want you to be “sold” by an internet marketer who’s only amazing until you pay for their course. If you decide to work with Christina, you’re going to get more than you imagined.

TWO… If you’re building your own site and you don’t have help, you’re likely to have a problem. So if you find that Christina is not the right choice for you, please find an expert who resonates with you, and get their help—because your website is too valuable to get wrong.


All the information on this page is true to the best of my knowledge. However, other people’s success is not a guarantee that you will experience the same results.

Your return on any investment in a program designed to help you build your practice is dependent on many factors. It is not possible to guarantee — and I make no promises regarding — your specific results. 

If your financial situation is such that the investment you are considering means that you will be unable to fulfill your financial responsibilities to yourself and others, this may be the wrong time for you to invest in your practice.