Allison Rapp

Are you missing the opportunity to send your FB friends to your business page?

phone-globeHere’s something important about your Facebook Fan Page that I just learned from 3 people I follow — you know it’s important when all the experts are saying the same thing!:

At the top of your personal page, FB now shows people “where you work” — and if this isn’t linked to your fan page, you’re losing visitors!

To fix this in under a minute, simply:

  • log into your profile,
  • go to the section for Education and Work and create a new job
  • start typing the name of your page in the blank field and when it comes up, select it
  • add any other details you want to, and
  • don’t forget to save your changes!

Now when vistiors see your personal page, they’ll see the link for your fan page, and when they mouse over it, FB will take them there!